MJ | Vikter and Azul talk about a wide range of topics dealing with family, healing, spirituality and awakening. She has a great insights and shares her knowledge and experience with The Trueman Show.


Quilo Thouwow is Vikters “brother from the same mother” and a character and a half ;). He is an artist and father and is beginning to ask the question “What Is I’m Here Fo? 4-7-23


Kenny Shaw is a long time friend, father and fellow artist who has shared many memories through College and beyond. He and Vikter have had many conversations on esoteric topics and things that are not as mainstream. 4-8-23


Could be Ed, Pat, TY, MJ (the other one) SS, Casey, ESR (And yes these are people ;). Bravo, Zeb, Billy, Evans, Cellus, Char, Ri, Mary, Jo, Jimmy, Moon, JB, John, Ray, Jordon, Dustin, Nathan, Stebo, Heather, Jo Jo, Nat Nat, Bud, Joe…etc.