You Looking Good Tonight Is Live!
You Looking Good Tonight - The new single from Vikter Bang
Available online now!
Apple Music
This song was specifically made for this event in Ripley, TN where the video footage was shot.
“I wanted the people there to experience a world premiere, not even the DJ knew the song. I wanted to capture their natural reactions and just capture the moment in this video. Special thanks to Claude also for dancing during the event.
Music video filmed live in Ripley, TN
The Michael AKA Vikter Presidential Campaign GoFundMe Is Now Live!
Everything seems impossible until it’s done. What happens when an average person attempts to run for president?
We’ve seen what career politicians, actors, billionaires, and lawyers do when in office. But most people they represent are not in any of those categories. How can we expect people that aren’t in touch with everyday life and Americans to know what is best for us? How has that been working out for us as a country? Could we do better?
If not you then who?
Check out the GoFundMe Campaign
Also keep track of the action on
Happy New Year!
The 100 Degree Challenge Is On Amazon
The 100 Degree Challenge is a book that challenges the reader to question themselves and the possibility that there is more to them than they see. It is written by a Mechanical Engineer who studies consciousness and has proved this theory out on himself through his own experimentation and observations. He sought out to "reprogram" his own consciousness by starting from scratch and seeing what he could empirically prove to himself what was true without any outside influences. He used a logical method of reduction to come to his conclusions intellectually and then sought to do the inner work to see if he could have his own experience. He did and now he is sharing the "good news" with the world.
After a long Hiatus we are starting the show back up with a special guest Dallas Peoples who explains why his personal slogan is "Positive Reactions".
We discuss life, racism, spirituality and other topics from a normal point of view share our experiences with to hopefully let others know they are not alone and there is support for the journey of self-realization. Stay tuned with more guests and conversations to come. Keep Shining your light.
Starting Filming for This Side Of The Matrix
This Side Of The Matrix is the Talk Show/Podcast where we talk about everything from Comedy to Consciousness and the star is you.
This is to reserve a spot as a co-host on the This Side Of The Matrix Show. We talk about everything from consciousness to comedy and the star is YOU.
Reserve your spot now and be a part of the conversation. Please only one person per half hour spot so we can fully focus on you.
With your consent, taping will be done via Zoom and with your consent it will be recorded and added to the weekly podcast. Join the conversation.
MIKEY V1 is out now.
It is where you get your music from.
Kickstarter Is Live
We are live on Kickstarter. Check it out! Live until 12/27.
Kickstarter Preview
Free Time to Listen
As we count down to the event on 9/13 I’d like to take time next week to make myself available to have some discussions and interact with people or at least listen. The topics will be up to you and I look forward to interacting with you.
Visit this link to Schedule the 15 minute sessions while they are available.
Create Our Reality Survey
This is an experiment in Matrix Engineering. Below is a survey to see what the general public would choose as a vocation they loved and how much they would compensate themselves for it.
What would you do if it was your choice? Let’s see. First step is opening up the possibility.
Take the Survey Below
New Single - Mikey Coming soon
Hello Yall
Trying to see what happened to the meeting. Sorry about that.
I’m going to open one now to see if it open right
WARNING: This is a RED PILL conversation about the Bible.
Since we're bringing all the Nasty stuff to light to heal it (Racism, Oppression, Lies, Slavery and Injustice) might as well talk about the Belief Systems that was indoctrinated to our ancestors by our oppressors. The Bible.
This is not your average Bible Study. Dust off your King James Bible and let's look at the Psy-op that has been going on for a long time. I'm going to show you what THEY don't want you to know.
PTSD - Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder
With all the craziness that's going on in the world I wanted to talk about PTSD (Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder), Metal Slavery and the Belief Systems of racisms and White supremacy (of which both are FAKE NEWS).
There are a lot of emotions going on now. There is also a lot of disinfo and manipulation going on as well. Use you head. Just my thoughts on a few talks that I listened to today as well my own thoughts on how we move forward and the state we're in.
Problem Reaction Solution.
If you don't use your head on the Reaction, you will do what they want you to as the solution. They want you to react in a way that feeds their agenda. They are manipulating you based on your emotions.
They give us the same script and options to deal with this oppression as before. What has changed? Let's not take their options anymore and create our own. There is nothing stopping us but us.
WE have the power not them. We've always had the power. THEY only have the power WE give them! Let's stop giving it to them! Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Let's stop the insanity and stop asking someone else to do something for us that we can do for ourselves.
They never had out best interest at heart (look at the history). What makes you think they've had a change of heart? Do their actions show that?
We have to unplug from their Matrix and create our own. We are their power source. Stop giving it away to these parasites and use it for yourself. That's how we win.
I say things in different ways using different methods and illustrations to hopefully spark the curiosity in you. I never know what things will spark the questioning in your mind, but the intent is to show you there's much more to the story. It goes way deeper and I'm showing you some of the root causes that I've found during my study.
During this update I will explain what is going on in this reality from a alien perspective.
We are in the midst of Full Disclosure. We will learn the truth that we are not alone. More amazingly, we are the alien life we were looking for. It's been in our face the whole time.
You say Aliens don't exist. Funny coming from an Alien. To me you are the Alien, and I'm shedding light on spiritual common sense from the parallel dimensions.
I use Lebron, Tyler, Jim, Umar, Ice Cube and You as examples of "Stars" to explain this concept to. There a lot of souls here that are not aware of what is happening or the root cause of our issues. I know it sounds like Sci-Fi but reality is stranger than fiction.
While our situation is pressing, it is nothing that we can't handle as multidimensional beings. We have the ability to handle way more than we know of. You are stronger than you thought.
As a soul here on a mission, I am spreading this info to assist in this transition. Do your own research on question everything in this Matrix. There is a lot of deception to overcome. Question Everything.
I’ve spent a lot time running and now that leg of the race is over. I’ve finished and boy was it a haul. There are other races and other events to do similar to a triathlon but I’ll just take a breath after doing the most grueling part.
Imagine going uphill, through mud and over obstacles for a long time. When the journey starts the finish line is seen (the top of the mountain) but it seems closer than it is. When you get there, you want to take a deep breath and enjoy the sights. Not everyone tries to climb that one.
Unfortunately, you can just relax there. Not now. You still have more to do and you now have to navigate going down the mountain. Yes you have gravity on your side, but the extra speed can be dangerous. Patience must still be exercised on the way down as well.
As a fellow traveler, there is so much to see and explore. Enjoy the wins but keep moving as time waits for no man ;)