If you are reading this odds are you have a Soul.

A soul is the non-physical or immaterial part of a human being. The being part. That’s is the part of you that is divine and immortal.

Since most of us do, I thought it’ll be interesting to share this data on the supposed Soul ages on the planet. Which group do you resonate with? I can’t confirm the percentages but it does make sense as far as proportions and characteristics. It gives a little more insight to the behavior of the souls here. Part of the reason why you decided to incarnate around this time is to participate in the shift of consciousness that is going on right now.

This shift will be the realization that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. This brings with a new perspective of ourselves and others. A perspective that can help rebuild the world.

The world is changing before our eyes and it’s up to us how it ends up. More to come. Stay Awake. Keep questioning. Know thyself.


The headline could read something like this:

"Black Man Channels Anger Internally And Wakes Up In The Matrix" It'll be pretty accurate. As I begin to close this chapter, I wanted to do a talk on race and racism as it is still prevalent and it all boils down to ignorance. This was published before black history month and there is still plenty of history to made right here and now by you.

I've seen a decent amount of racism myself and for no other reason than the color of my skin. I also see the effects of it on a lot of people and the shackles of mental slavery are still in place. These mental chains are the last ones that need to be broken and probably the most difficult ones to break as they are not seen.

I didn't expect this talk to be as long as it was but I wanted to touch on some topics and share my thoughts. As a black man in America, there is a history here that needs to be healed and first step is addressing it with honesty, truth and accepting there is still more work to be done. And nobody is going to do it for us. We are the ones that we've been waiting on. The quicker we realize that the sooner we can begin to take action and begin to heal.

This is also part of me letting go. I've been observing a lot of feelings and though I want to help on a level that the world may not be ready for, I have to accept that the timing of certain things. I can't wake anybody up, only show it's possible and be an example of it.

Biggest lesson for a time traveler is patience.


Imagine if a Christ or Buddha had a reality show? What would they say or do? Would you watch? Would you listen? Could you prove it false?

Take the Challenge. I woke up in this is a Matrix over 6 years ago after searching outside and inside for truth.

I wanted to help solve the problems that I saw in the world and sought to get to the root cause of our suffering. Since then I’ve been documenting my experience and broadcasting that there is more to this reality.

I’ve laid out my logic in The 100 Degree Challenge. It’s what I call spiritual common sense and I’m currently conducting a peer review and open discussion of the material.

It all leads to higher consciousness and us seeing ourselves differently. This will allow us to us change our future from a path of self-destruction.

I’ve put it in music like the new album Legal Alien and I’ve put in movies like the upcoming Finding Carlos. And I’ve put it online. Just Google Vikter Bang.

I programmed that name to show the journey of guy claiming to be an Angel, Artist and Matrix Engineer. It’s part of history now.

The reality shows lets you into my world as I execute my plan to awaken as many as possible. I’m pointing the camera at us and challenging us to question and take action. That’s the only way things are going to change. WE must change first.


Live Update from The Trueman Show. Get Your Oar In The Water

In this Episode, I traveled to Olivehill, TN to experience Kayaking in the river there. The boat that said "lifetime" and I ended up having an experience that I didn't imagine while traveling there.

The water was higher and the current was stronger than it normally was and though I was alone, there was no turning back.

In my mind I was just going to float down a "lazy" river and enjoy the scenery. While I did enjoy the journey, the story that happened was more than i imagined.

I ended up helping two people that day. I paddled upstream to offer assistance to help one couple retrieve their floating bag (that had all of this ladies belongings) that the current took and also helped another couple flip over their capsized canoe.

Seth was the gentlemen that thanked me for helping and commented that it most people would have just floated on and not went out there way to help. He mentioned the example gave him more faith in humanity.

Hopefully he'll be example to somebody else and we'll create a butterfly effect of selfless acts and going out of our way to help others, and not for any monetary rewards or recognition, but because it's the right thing to do to your fellow beings.

Treat others as you want to be treated.

As I was editing the footage and reflecting on the events, coincidences and Seth, it dawned on me that out all of the people's names in the world it was Seth. My mind then went to Seth and the Law of One.

And looking back on this again, I see that this journey has a deeper meaning, but I'll save that commentary for a later now.

On the surface it could signify all of our lifetime journeys and the experiences that we'll have while floating on the river of time.


"Get your oar in the water!" - Rev Jesus Jackson

Rev. Jesus Jackson does bible study his unique way and as he says, Ya'll aint ready. Unapologetic in his passion for truth, he explains his perspective on the Bible and the reasoning behind it to educate you on the the deeper meanings of Scripture.

Reverend Jackson questions everything in the King James Version of scripture and invites you follow along as he looks at the biblical story in a way that only he can. With his wit candor and boldness he narrates the story in a way that anyone can follow. Feel his passion for truth as he tries to shed light on things that you will not hear preached by your preacher on any day of the week.

He uses the book and simply is inviting you question your Belief System and he challenges you to think about things differently and look at the deeper meanings and study. Many people only have a surface understanding of scripture and Jesus asks asks that you go deeper not only within the scriptures, but also within yourself. As the Kingdom of God is within.

"Don't play with Me" - Rev. Jesus Jackson


It’s 2:47 AM & I awaken from a #dream a #vision is you will.  It’s as if my #ancestors are speaking to me so loudly that it wakes me up.  It doesn’t allow me to rest.  Sometimes it feels like a #gift & a #curse.  Why can’t I rest when I’m surrounded by people that seem totally OK with the #world as it is?

Why am I so concerned by it when it seems other are #apathetic?

What makes me type this #message to an #audience that seems to care less about the state of this #planet?  

On some level I signed up for this. Why? I guess I’m #crazy. 

My #mind won’t let me rest knowing that I have the #ability, #intellect, #will, #knowledge & #courage to speak #truth to #power regardless of the #consequences.  I’m already on that #path, I’ve already made those #decisions & now my #story is to see where that leads me.  

Are my #ancestors that struggled  speaking to me to help free us finally from the oppression?  Is it my #heart that knows I can help the #world & won’t let me sleep?

Is it my #mind that doesn’t stop thinking about helping the world & how I can #change our trajectory.

I sometimes wish I could be “normal” just like #Jesus said “why have you forsaken me?” Why me? We all have moments of weakness even if they are fleeting. There have been times that I’ve thought that the message could have gotten further if my #skin was colored differently. I can’t hide that.  I’ve experienced the ignorance of being #judged purely by that; by all colors.

It seems like an uphill battle, but I know it’s worth it. They know it’s worth it. They know I’m a #soldier & will #fight for truth. Like a tough #parent they are hard on me because they know my #potential, even when I doubt myself.

They know I’ll use my #gifts & #talent for #good.  To #inspire, #uplift & to reflect the light within us all.

My battle is against false teachings.  Those that make us feel less than, #inferior & #unworthy.  Those that separate us & put us against each other. I have sense of urgency. They’ve killed those that spoke out & our growth was stagnated.  Now is the time to not be afraid.  WE are the ones that will plant the seeds that change the world.  

WE are able to respond, so Be #Responsible 🙏🏿🌀



Hello All,

I felt compelled to do a video on time, consciousness, time travel and timelines. 

If you saw the latest Avengers movie, you saw that it involved time travel and two time travelers were linked by their consciousness over time.

Well if you think about it, your consciousness experiences time (your consciousness experienced age and did not age itself over your entire lifetime) but does not age.  It exists in the only time that exists, NOW.

The past, present and future are connected to NOW.  So if you look at time as a dimension 4D, a 5D being is beyond time.  This is the idea that I’m discussion and putting up for discussion.

I believe the the first way to time travel is to be in the NOW and understand that your future you and past you all exist NOW.  While you may not be able to physically travel there (yet) consciously you can share information between the different versions of yourself.

That’s another thing to get your head around, you exist on multiple levels and in multiple times that are all connected by the NOW.  So this video is my attempt at explaining this concept and the idea of sharing information from the future to correct/prevent things from occurring or reoccurring in the past.

I believe that we are in such a precipice now with Artificial Intelligence.  Our technological growth is vastly beyond our spiritual growth and we don’t think about things and implications before we do them.  We tend to do that afterwards.  


Just something else to hate y’all.  Remember I’ve already told y’all what I’m going to do earlier and just executing the plan. Just saying.

My multidimensional  message disguised as an album called SIA is now online. Just search Vikter Bang.  In these next days I’ll compile a mega mix of how it’ll sound in visual snippets. This is the first.  Poppi Chulo. it features Tony Brav0.

Just a warning of what you won’t hear, which will affect the sales/streams and vastly limit my listening audience and not make me cool: Cursing, vulgar language, glorifying violence, general ignorance, disrespecting women, drug talk, and basic stupidity.  

But hey I like it and like I said before it’s just something to hate.  Story of my life & I’m going to give you a lot of it, might as well right?  Remember I’m on this side.

What you will hear will vary and be the musings of a consciously aware being that loves music being creative & wants to change the world for the better. Those things are NOT popular on your planet right now. Earth is definitely not the place for this stuff right...I’m being sorta sarcastic.  

I also like to have fun amongst this madness and don’t take myself that seriously as serious as the mission is to attempt to keep it light so not everything is so deep or heavy. 

Other retailers coming online and my next album is already in the works.  It will have other cool features and I expect that one to go triple wood.

Apple Music








I thought this would be a cool idea.  I’m taking movies that I resonate with and condensing them down to the points that I related to the most. This is Men In Black 3.

I can relate to the 5D alien in these clips and I’ve been working to help increase the probabilities of a mass shift in consciousness in this reality.  My actions help maintain the timeline.

I knew years ago that the highest probability was going to be through the truth so I began that journey, work and documentation.  Imagine a 5D alien in the field working to increase consciousness and show people how magnificent they are.  You can google Vikter Bang and see my work.  Here is my summary of the Terran reality.


I know it sounds crazy, the Truth does and I’ve created The 100 Degree Challenge to outline the logic, reasoning and facts that can at least show that it is a possibility. www.vikterbang.com/100 

Don’t believe me just watch.


All material used is copyrighted by the original creators. I’m claiming fair use rights for educational purposes.

#vikterbang #terra #alien #aliens #aliensarereal #legalalien #starseeds #starseed #meninblack #the100degreechallenge #spiritualawakening #spirituality #awaken #time #timetravel #truth #racism #people #earth #probability #timelines #shift #consciousness #resonate #lightworkers #scifi #staywoke 


It is what it is. You are reading the words of Jesus, but again that name is charged so I go by Vikter or Michael. But for this exercise, I'll use the so-called name Jesus.

Well see how the Fam reacts this weekend. Should make for a good reality show right? Jesus announces himself to the world on 3/3 tells his fam on 3/9 (Just in time for daylight savings time) and launches his Kickstarter before Easter.
Most will doubt etc. I'll see it and you'll see it online. It's cool and it's expected. I've had conversations with certain members and they're still waiting on the other Jesus to come from the clouds. Jesus comes back and his own family doubts him. Sound familiar? Folks doubted back then. We'll talk about history repeating and patterns a little later on.

When I asked my Family (ya'll) what are YOU going to do in the meantime (while waiting on Jesus)...most don't know. Most say pray and wait. Meanwhile, while we're praying, we're getting preyed upon. It's time to stop that. Even if you say I'm not Jesus (which is fine) what's wrong with doing what Jesus would do in the meantime. Instead of waiting on him to fix stuff, how about we take action and begin to do what he would. Aint that what the book is about according to ya'll? Love your neighbor as yourself and love God. It's not rocket science.

I guess some people believe that Jesus will tell them what to do, but will they do it? Are they doing it now? Isn't that what the Bible is supposed to be? Aren't they reading from the same book? Then why so much division? All these dominations are reading from King James and how many even cared to research the King who "authorized" a version of the a collection of books. What did he leave out? Who gave him the authority? And why do we care about a Kings version? Is there a version of the truth? Have you asked these questions or did you swallow it hook line and sinker. You have to answer that one.

Do ya'll know the history of where the book came from? I have a family member that thought the Bible was the first book ever written. Sadly there was no reasoning with this family member as to the books, languages and artifacts before the King James Version. He is not alone in this thinking.

This is easily proven false by a quick search. Ignorance is a choice nowadays (and not a smart one). If you're reading this, odds are you can access almost anything you want, NOW! The library of Alexandria is now online, but who wants to gain knowledge? It's not cool to be smart and spiritual. But then ya'll will say that knowledge is power. Well who is serious about getting powerful? I can take you down the rabbit hole.

I'm in the Bible belt now (They say Jesus was a Volunteer right;) and there are several different denomination of churches who claim to be "All about Jesus". So obviously there isn't a consensus on the man and people are still confused. I'm here to make this crystal clear and give you an option to check out of the Matrix and challenge the lie that you need to have a savior in the fist place.

And saving from what? Hell? Who made hell? God? I thought God was love? Doesn't make sense. Would a parent create hell for a child...to suffer for eternity. Who does that?

Well according to your bible not God. God created everything and said it was good and rested (have you even read the creation story).

God was done, then his LORD God stepped in. It's in the book. Have you researched hell? Have you researched who gave you the idea of hell? Was it man or God? And please do not say that it was God, Maybe the LORD GOD, but you can't show me in your Bible where God created hell. Hell was a physical place anyway, I've given you the details on that as well. I'm not just talking to hear myself folks.

I've probably answered the questions that most or you haven't thought to ask and it's already online and documented. I'm making a database of Q&A so we don't allow ignorance to propagate. We will install spiritual common sense here and that itself will bring in a new renaissance.

I love learning, and know I can learn from anybody. I have no problem being wrong or being corrected, that's why I'm putting all my info out. For free. If you about real truth, you could care less about questioning because you want to know the truth yourself. That's real science. Real science does not limit where it can go for truth, but lazy science only deals with what it can measure. Some of the best things in life you can't put a ruler to.

If someone says you shouldn't question. Red flag. You should problem question them even more. Question them as much as you question me and you'll see the holes in their logic.

I'm here to show you how to save yourself and become your own Christ. Jesus was nobody special (guess it takes him to say it now, but he said then also), he put in the inner-work to become Christ. That same inner-work can be done now, and it works... I'm living proof and I'll challenge the world to prove me wrong. You can't. You can believe and have faith all you want, but when it comes to facts, I'm saying you can not prove me wrong. Only one way to find out, let's see. I'm more than willing to explain everything in detail (already did while you were sleeping, but I'll do it again live in the flesh and record it...sounds like a documentary)

People are still people. And people were hard headed back in the day and just not able to get it. I want you to get it. In order to free yourself, you'll have to get it. Otherwise, you'll stay plugged in and be prisoner to self-limited belief systems that serve someone else and not you.

The story is the same, the truth is the truth. I can just expound more on it now and record it so it's in the record. See it's just like Nicodemus asking Jesus (and I'm paraphrasing) "How do I go back into the womb to be born again"...Jesus was like...flesh births flesh and spirit births spirit. The second birth is a spiritual birth. That is what being born again is about. And even back then the Pharisees didn't get that. Surprise, the pious church leaders of the day (The people who were in the big synagogues and temples who were all holy) did not know. Same thing today.

If you're all about Jesus, then you should follow in his footsteps right? What have they been doing in the meantime? Where is your fruit? Let's compare stories. You should do what he does, follow his example. But most people just worship him. They seldom ask why does God require worship, or ask why there is a difference God and the LORD God. I explained that one, but people are so caught up in the idea of a Savior, they loose the fact that God equipped them with the ability to save themselves.

No surprises though, but I have to do all this to fulfill stuff. But it's not going to go how you think. It's not going to go how I think probably. I'm here to serve and I have faith (yes I still exercise faith) that things will work out for the highest good.

Yes it's dangerous and as you can see, in the US for 2020 Forum, i understand that. Fear of death, didn't stop the people I look up to and it won't stop me. We all face death one day and what matters most is the time in-between that moment. If you're reading this, you're in the moment where you can change. This is the flash of life, your in it now. Don't wait until it fades to start living, most sadly do.

I'm as afraid of death as you are of going to sleep tonight. Why? Because the larger part of you exists already on the other side. Death is just a door that you should not fear. You go through it every night and come back through it. You call it sleep. When you don't come back, that's when you decided to go to the other doors. You call that death. But you still exist and the larger part of you is already there (on the other side). This is the spiritual birth that Nicodemus couldn't get, but you can.

Some of the people reading this are the same people that saw me working all those years (knowing I was Jesus and they wouldn't believe me) and steadily working on the plan. The what would Jesus do plan. It was an immense amount of work and it's all in the public. I've completed the cheat sheet of how to spiritually wake up and updated it for this generation as best I could.

Everything you've seen was done by one person physically. Though I have a lot of spiritual support (and you don't see that), in the physical; people left me alone. I was alone, an underdog and an outcast. Everything that Jesus went though, I did. I see now why you don't want to be Jesus. You wouldn't believe the stories I could tell you.

I'm living a Biblical story now, that's my life. And I have another life where I'm just a corny guy who works in a warehouse. As funny as it seems it's true. I never said it was easy, but all of the sacrifice, ridicule etc. was worth it. The time and pressure has refined me and created a diamond. I only want to reflect light and truth to the other diamonds out there (you)

Doesn't mean I'm perfect, I still can work on things and grow. We all can. Me, I'm working on my anger. Trying not to curse out fig trees for not bearing fruit and tear the church up for making it a place of profit.

What I have done is harnessed the anger. Now I direct it to the truth and the war on ignorance.

So thoughts? This guy says he's Jesus...Why aren't you glad to see me? And yes, I do have a sense of humor. As serious as I can be as serious as this mission is, I don't take myself too serious...all the time ;)