From Richard Dawkins Simterview
Question from Benkeiaa Kant:
if god asked you for whatever reason to kill your son or daughter would you do it? if god asked you for whatever reason to kill your self would you do it? people who rank 1 in the list dawkins gives would answer Yes to both of this questions, Thats the reason why this people are dangerous. in the other hand dawkins asked himself this same question and his response to god would be : "no, and f**k you"
Answer from Vikter Bang:
Thanks for the question, No I wouldn't kill my son or daughter if God asked me to do it. Why would God ask me to kill my son or daughter? That's your question Benkeiaa? To me that's illogical and God is logical. Yes they say God works in "mysterious ways" and tests you through faith, but I never understood why God would require a sacrifice of any kind. The God I'm talking about is bigger than the Bible. People that answer 1 on Richard’s scale may have strong faith, but most have NO experience in my opinion. They are talking about something that THEY DO NOT KNOW. Reason I say this is IF they had an experience, they would want YOU to have one to and that would be the sole purpose. Then Belief isn’t necessary. So I don't agree with you and peace is not dangerous. Why would a God of love ask me to Kill something I love (and it created), doesn't make sense to me.
My response would be NO also (and I wouldn't curse God and would be a little more respectful of the entity that created everything) but I wouldn't do it (Kill my child) either. But I know I wouldn't be asked to this for God’s sake ;) This is not about religion or any type of Dogma, this is truth and common sense. Problem is people have gave up looking for God because it takes a lot of self forgiveness and reflection. Or they DON’T have to look because the religious leaders have got you covered. The leaders were taught also and most just give you what they were taught and not what they have experienced by their own personal journey for the truth. They were taught the truth by an institution. No institution has a monopoly on the truth. It’s accessible for all. YOU have to go THERE though. Thanks for the question though. You were the first.