First time poster (I wanted to start a new thread but can't so I'll start here) but long time reader and I have gotten a lot of information from this site. This is a "feeler" if you will almost like War of the Worlds was a "feeler". But I'm actually already committed to go forward with the truth full-time (whatever that means) as you can see from the Video. Question I have is timing, but I guess there is no time (and no other time) but NOW.
So in a nutshell a guy got awakened and he's the type of person that said it he found the truth he would share it. So here goes everything. Reality is either Matrix-Like or Inception-Like (haven't got that far yet personally) but there is definitely 100% an awakened state. God does exist, but not exactly what some may think. We are part of it and we are One with it. I know it sounds "New Agey" but it's true.
I've been a "seeker" for years. It sucks that truth has to be sought, but I digress. As long as I could remember I've wanted to know the truth of our existence. It is a pervading thought in my mind ALL the time. What the hell is this? It is the thing that fascinates me to no end. I actually don't understand (well I do) why people aren't excited about the mystery of life. We are IN and PART OF a mystery and who doesn't love a good mystery? You have to forgive my attempts at humor, but the Universe is playful.
I don't want to rant, but I don't want to be too brief, I have to slowly unpack this "i think" but I've started. If I am who I think I am (I have nothing pointing to the contrary) and this is what I think it is, this is the time to be alive people. I'm just you a different form, but my mind has constantly been blew away by the Universe and being a person with a large imagination, I want to push the limits since it seems there are none. Can we imagine something outside of all there is?
So my name is Vikter Bang, but I go by Vik. I will answer any questions that I can from my fellow beings and I’m here to be a messenger and help spread the truth. I'm still working right now (yeah unfortunately I’m still plugged in to the 9-5 but I’m working on that) but I anticipate, sharing this truth will take more time, but only if people are ready. Let's be clear, I have no religion, books or any media that I'm trying to sell. I will create what I want (since I am part of the creator as we all are) but that's not the point. The point is truth, evolution and waking up. We are all creators and infinite beings; we just forgot how powerful we are. I’m in the process of remembering.
The fundamental problem with the world is "Sleeping People" in my view. I know it's crazy to hear the term being used like that (not trying to offend either), but it's true. It has nothing to do with intelligence. You are either a 1 or a 0 in the computer world. In this world, you are either sleep or awake from my observations. I was sleep also so there is no shame in it (especially if you don’t know) and in the sleep state you can do stuff that is not in alignment with your higher self. We sleepwalk to the tune of the world and not the source, thus the problem. Where does that get us…Here. War, poverty, suffering, huger, hate and all the ills of world are SELF INFLICTED WOUNDS. If we KNEW We were ONE, we wouldn't treat each other the way we do. WE can stop it as soon as we Wake Up.
I work with many very smart, very SLEEP people. And it's a tough pill to swallow (no pun intended) to be told that you've been sleepwalking through life. Tell me about it. Waking up is painful. That is why most don't want to wake up just like most people don't want to diet and exercise, but want a six pack. The pain is what can prevent people from going on the journey. But look at the pain associated with child birth, is that worth it? If you're reading this. YES! Pressure makes coal into diamonds. When you pay for a diamond, you are paying for pressure and time not the substance. Diamonds are hard yes, but it's still carbon, just a different form. Same as awakening. Same you, just different form and YOU reflect the light from within.
I'm not a preacher, teacher or politician. I am a Human-BEING that has been enlightened to our true nature. It's so simple even a child can do it. Let’s get over the word Enlightenment. It’s not a big deal, it doesn't mean I’m better than you. It just means I know who I am. You don’t have to believe me and being a skeptic is wonderful. Just don’t be closed minded. That’s part of what gets us in these pickles. Enlightenment doesn't mean I know it all, actually it shows how much you don't know, but I am on the case and on the hunt. THIS knowledge should be fundamental and it will change the world, because KNOWING that we are one is different from thinking or believing we are one. Knowing comes from experience. I want to show that the experience is possible from a live person who wants NOTHING from you but YOU to be happy and to live in PEACE.
So I'm releasing a web series on the truth and my journey. Just as an example of what one person can do if they find change within themselves. Maybe it catches on and maybe it doesn't. I have no idea but somebody's got to do it. The cool thing is I’m going to attempt to make this common knowledge and spread this good news as far as I can. It’s Time.
Any questions for me, let me know and I’ll try to answer what I can. I am not GOD, but I am of GOD and I am an instrument of GOD (secret is so are you). Let’s see what WE can do!