So how do you take failure? Public Failure. Failure when you've invested so much time and effort in HELPING others find and free themselves? This is what I've been dealing with recently and had to recently shake off. The emotions have been varied and I've learned to not judge them (or myself) and let the emotions run their course naturally.
I felt angry, sad, depressed and I wept repeatedly. After that emotional tsunami passed (and it was a biggie); I regrouped (which is what I'm doing now). While those emotions didn't necessarily feel "good" in the moment I saw the deeper side. This actually meant something to me. I cared DEEPLY about this working. IT mirrored to me my passion and desire to see peace manifest; I really want it and know it's possible. I can see it. At the end of the day I just found out what didn't work and learned as much as I could from it.
I didn't have expectations so that helped but I didn't think it (the campaign) would be such a dud. 2 Backers, and I knew them ;) There are a lot of things that interest people in this world and knowledge of self seems to not be that important. But why? What is more fundamental than YOU? Who are you projecting your power to and is it serving you or them?
This to me is fundamental knowledge that should be common sense. IF it was, the world changes, because the people understand that there is no "THEM" only "WE". Competition becomes cooperation and we begin to see what we can create together.
Humans tend to be creatures of habit and reluctant to change from my experience. We do the same thing over and over and expect different results (definition of insanity?). We THINK we stay safe in our boxes because going outside is uncomfortable and scary. Or we let other people tell us what box we should be in because we feel they know better than we do. WHO knows better than you what makes you happy and fulfilled?
This is funny to me because change is the only constant. NOTHING STAYS STILL (except some human thought it seems). How can you not accept change when NOTHING stays the same? I understand not knowing and the fear of the unknown, we humans like to know what's around the corner or THINK we know what's around the corner but anybody that tells you they know DOESN'T KNOW.
If my life is to be an example, then I have to show the wide range of situations we experience and I have to practice what I preach. I have to be courageous and stand strong even when there are so many people waiting to see me fall or fail. Failure is not an option. Failure is the world continuing on it's course and since history will repeat itself (as most patterns can and do unchecked) we can't just sit back idle and say this is how it is or this is how it's meant to be.
IF this (current state of the world) is how the system is; AND we (you and I) make up the system; THEN what is stopping us from changing it? WE are the system. WE are the Matrix. WE can change it. WE will change it.