Hello Testing,
The more I get out of the way the clearer the transmission is. And I am not receiving or transmitting anything that isn’t being broadcast to you right NOW. The only difference between us, is the frequencies that we’re tuned in to. I’m merely letting you know these frequencies exist.
Did you think that you as a receiver couldn’t tune to different frequencies? Does a radio only have one station it could tune to? Does a TV only have one channel you can watch? Do you not receive the broadcast of consciousness daily? Well, could you change the station? The controls are internal. To start questioning is one way to start playing with the knobs.
So I want to give the analogy of a wave at an event. If you’ve never seen a wave before, you may think that this person asking you to stand up in the middle of your event is annoying. You’re trying to enjoy your event and this person is asking you to get uncomfortable and stand up.
Why? The purpose that you’re there for is to enjoy the event that you’re watching. This person is facing you and asking you to stand up. This has nothing to do with the event you are spectating and this person is asking you do participate in something other than the event.
Yes, I’m asking you to stand up and participate and experience the wave. You don’t have to stand up for the entire event, or even the entire wave; only for the moment when it comes towards you. That moment is here and now.
In this parable, this wave is a wave of consciousness. Higher Consciousness. When you stand up you are getting in touch with your higher self, your higher frequencies, your other stations. When others see you stand up, they see that it’s possible and they can do it.
In the beginning of it’s forming sometimes it fizzles, but persistence pays off and people notice that something is going over there. People are standing up and yelling for no apparent reason. Some will question whether it will gain momentum and some can’t wait for it to come their way as they know what is happening.
As it starts again it gets stronger and stronger and then eventually it moves and takes on an energy of itself. The wave changes the energy of the event. And all can participate in it. If you notice, some may not participate in the first wave. Some can’t wait for it. Some reluctantly stand up and yell just to see what it’s like and not be the only one sitting down. Eventually some people who think it’s annoying see that the wave is cool and they too participate in the energy that is right next to them.
Imagine if you needed to do the wave to shift the energy of the event. Look at the energy of the Earth, do you feel it needs a wave of higher consciousness now? A shift of energy now. A movement of positive energy and truth that touches all and creates an energy that all can experience now, by just standing up, now?
As it flows nobody is thinking about who started the wave; they are interested in participating in the wave. They want to experience the wave, and as it comes closer, they become the wave.
This is a wave of consciousness that is here now. Some people have never seen the wave and to them I look like a person crazily asking them to stand up in the middle of the event, as they are comfortable spectating. I know I look crazy asking you to stand up, but if you do you, will see it start and get to experience it as it comes back around to you bigger and stronger.
And some may say well, who are you to start this wave? As I stated before, once it starts nobody cares about who started it. I’ve only experienced the wave and want to share that experience. All it takes is for you to stand up.
Some may say, why should I stand up? What’s in for you? Nothing. And this wave that I’m asking you to participate it has not been started by me, I’m simply just keeping it going until you do. What is in it for you?
Imagine this. You’ve never seen the ocean. You have no idea how vast it is. I’ve been in the middle where you can’t see any land and I’ve take a picture of it. I show you this picture. The picture shows you it exists and while may be worth a 1,000 words it doesn’t compare to the experience of seeing and experiencing the ocean itself.
The picture is only a crude 2D representation of what would be seemingly an infinite ocean. While it may give you an idea or concept, it pales in comparison to the actual ocean. You’ve seen a wave but have no idea of how a wave moves, endlessly rolling; how it sounds, or how the breeze feels. You have to be there to know.
If I capture the ocean in a glass and bring it to you, it doesn’t compare to the actual ocean. Me attempting to explain this, is like that; trying to explain the ocean with only a glass of it.
Will you only see the glass? Will you not see how mighty the ocean is because it is limited to a container and not moving? The exact same ocean is the in glass. The glass is only the container. Your body is the glass. It is a container for an ocean of consciousness. When you remove the glass, you are the ocean.
Ohh and PS, I hastily misspelled consciousness and I’ve had many typos as I’m wearing many hats now… I’ll probably do it again. As a good friend would say, take all mistakes for love. Peace.