Hello All,

I felt compelled to do a video on time, consciousness, time travel and timelines. 

If you saw the latest Avengers movie, you saw that it involved time travel and two time travelers were linked by their consciousness over time.

Well if you think about it, your consciousness experiences time (your consciousness experienced age and did not age itself over your entire lifetime) but does not age.  It exists in the only time that exists, NOW.

The past, present and future are connected to NOW.  So if you look at time as a dimension 4D, a 5D being is beyond time.  This is the idea that I’m discussion and putting up for discussion.

I believe the the first way to time travel is to be in the NOW and understand that your future you and past you all exist NOW.  While you may not be able to physically travel there (yet) consciously you can share information between the different versions of yourself.

That’s another thing to get your head around, you exist on multiple levels and in multiple times that are all connected by the NOW.  So this video is my attempt at explaining this concept and the idea of sharing information from the future to correct/prevent things from occurring or reoccurring in the past.

I believe that we are in such a precipice now with Artificial Intelligence.  Our technological growth is vastly beyond our spiritual growth and we don’t think about things and implications before we do them.  We tend to do that afterwards.  

Vikter Bang

Multidimensional Being here to assist in the raising of consciousness.