The headline could read something like this:
"Black Man Channels Anger Internally And Wakes Up In The Matrix" It'll be pretty accurate. As I begin to close this chapter, I wanted to do a talk on race and racism as it is still prevalent and it all boils down to ignorance. This was published before black history month and there is still plenty of history to made right here and now by you.
I've seen a decent amount of racism myself and for no other reason than the color of my skin. I also see the effects of it on a lot of people and the shackles of mental slavery are still in place. These mental chains are the last ones that need to be broken and probably the most difficult ones to break as they are not seen.
I didn't expect this talk to be as long as it was but I wanted to touch on some topics and share my thoughts. As a black man in America, there is a history here that needs to be healed and first step is addressing it with honesty, truth and accepting there is still more work to be done. And nobody is going to do it for us. We are the ones that we've been waiting on. The quicker we realize that the sooner we can begin to take action and begin to heal.
This is also part of me letting go. I've been observing a lot of feelings and though I want to help on a level that the world may not be ready for, I have to accept that the timing of certain things. I can't wake anybody up, only show it's possible and be an example of it.
Biggest lesson for a time traveler is patience.