I am a dreamer. I admit it.  I am one of the people who look at a problem and try to solve it using as much common sense and practicality as possible.  I know that we wouldn’t be able to communicate as we are now, or have the freedoms that we have now, if it wasn’t for dreamers such as myself.  A dreamer is able to see things that aren’t in reality right now and articulate them to the people that only see reality.

If it wasn’t for dreamers, we would only have what we’ve had and progress wouldn’t be made.  I have respect for dreamers and I know I wouldn’t have the freedoms that I have now it wasn’t for them and I’ve concluded that the best way to honor the dreamers of the past is to continue to dream in the present and future.  It’s not enough to memorialize a dreamer and name a street or holiday after them and become complacent; and that’s what I’ve seen.

We have to stand on their shoulders and take advantage of the vantage point that they’ve given us and march on, push forward and continue to climb the mountains and become dreamers ourselves.

We live in a world of connectivity now that has virtually shrunk the planet and made ideas and information accessible to many.  We have the opportunity to unite and communicate in ways that haven’t been imagined by those dreamers in the past and now is the time for us to stand up and begin to do what we can for ourselves to help ourselves.  We need to unite for common causes and pool our resources and ideas together to help our communities, future generations and environments. 

If not now then when? What are we waiting on?  Who are we waiting on?  What do we tell our grandchildren when they ask us why didn’t make the world better for them?  Are we so blind or preoccupied that we don’t see the problems of today or do we choose to turn a blind eye to them?  Why shelter your children from the problems of the world when you can actively begin to fix it for them?  Are they not worth it?  Are we in a state of denial of the conflict and imbalance that there is in the world?   

Many see it but feel it can’t be changed or that it is too difficult or not worth the sacrifices of their comforts.  I couldn’t imagine the world we would be in if it wasn’t for the previous dreamers who sacrificed their comforts and lives for ours.  The highest thing that we can do is to pay if forward for the future generations in hopes that the world will be a better place due to our efforts. Turning a blind eye to the fire does not stop it from burning; eventually it will affect your home or your families. 

Our ancestors saw things that needed changing and did something about it and we are living in the shade of their hard work in the sun.  Is the work done?  Have we won?  Does the world reflect the fairness that many before us fought so hard to achieve? You have to answer that question, but my opinion is obviously not.  Just taking a look at your nightly news would show you how much more work is needed to make this world the place it can be.  We haven’t even scratched the surface of our potential.

So I am a dreamer.  And I am calling all dreamers within the sound of my voice to unite for a common cause.  Us, our families, our children, our future generations and our planet. 

I know it takes more than a dream.  It takes a plan and I have a plan and with your help we can improve it and begin to put it into action.  I can’t do it by myself, I know this. I’ve gotten this far on my own dime and with my own time, but now is when you have to make a decision to either participate or watch.    


I’m going to ask you to use your imagination for just a few minutes. 

Imagine that we live on a giant ship that is floating in the middle of a never-ending ocean.  This ship was not built by you or your ancestors.  We only know that its here, it floats and that without it, we would not have a home for any of us.  This ship is constantly traveling with a current that we can’t control. Since the ship has no sail and no rudder, its path can’t be altered; only observed. We are simply being taken with a current in a direction that we have no control over.

This ship sustains us in every way that we can imagine.  It miraculously provides us with food, shelter and clothing from itself, as there is no other means to survive or get resources in the vast ocean it floats in.  This ship has inherent systems that maintains balance and is self-sustaining. Even if you could swim, without the ship you would perish because  where would you swim in a never-ending ocean?  Where would you find solace when there is no other ship to board to rest?  Even if you created another ship that floats on the same current, could you replicate the miraculous way this ship sustains life and maintains balance?   This ship is the ONLY thing keeping us alive in the vast ocean and provides us all the protection and resources we need to survive.

This ship allows you to live and experience life, joy and love.  It provides you everything and asks nothing in return.  It also allows you to raise families, create art, music and provides freedom for you to do as you please on it .  You would also maybe consider this ship a kind of “Heaven” in a vast never-ending ocean.

Imagine that you share this ship with creatures of all shapes and sizes that are all part and parcel to the systems of balance.  Each one of them has a specific task and plays a role in the total sustainability of the ship and understands the concept of balance and innately maintains it.  All worked together to keep the ship afloat and maintain balance for all that call it home in the vast never-ending ocean. 

Imagine that that these creatures were of varied intelligence and you were one of most intelligent and curious creatures on the entire ship. You were one of the few creatures that had the ability to manipulate things within the ship that they couldn’t.  With your intelligence, you were able to ponder and understand much about the ship, how it operates and the systems that is uses to maintain balance. 

Imagine that you began to use this intelligence to create tools and technology that makes living on the ship easier and better for everyone and still maintained the balance.  Imagine now that some people created things that began to tilt the ship out of balance.  Imagine that some people even began to drill holes in that ship that caused it to take on water, which could cause it to sink into the never-ending ocean?  Is that the behavior of one of the more intelligent creatures on the ship?  Why would we destroy or alter the balance of the only thing keeping us afloat in the never-ending ocean?  What if what you imagined everything that I just mentioned was real?

 Imagine this ship is called Earth and the vast never-ending ocean is called Space.

Many of us can see how this analogy relates to humans, the environment and the planet.  Yet too many of us sit idle and watch the ship slowly sink pretending to be helpless or unable to take action to remedy the problem. I believe that now is the time to stop pretending that we can’t affect change ourselves and stop waiting for someone to do something for us that we can do for ourselves.

I am a dreamer. I admit it.  I am one of the people who look at a problem and try to solve it using as much common sense and practicality as possible.  I know that we wouldn’t be able to communicate as we are now, or have the freedoms that we have now, if it wasn’t for dreamers such as myself.  A dreamer is able to see things that aren’t in reality right now and articulate them to the people that only see reality.

If it wasn’t for dreamers, we would only have what we’ve had and progress wouldn’t be made.  I have respect for dreamers and I know I wouldn’t have the freedoms that I have now it wasn’t for them and I’ve concluded that the best way to honor the dreamers of the past is to continue to dream in the present and future.  It’s not enough to memorialize a dreamer and name a street or holiday after them and become complacent; and that’s what I’ve seen.

We have to stand on their shoulders and take advantage of the vantage point that they’ve given us and march on, push forward and continue to climb the mountains and become dreamers ourselves.

We live in a world of connectivity now that has virtually shrunk the planet and made ideas and information accessible to many.  We have the opportunity to unite and communicate in ways that haven’t been imagined by those dreamers in the past and now is the time for us to stand up and begin to do what we can for ourselves to help ourselves.  We need to unite for common causes and pool our resources and ideas together to help our communities, future generations and environments. 

If not now then when? What are we waiting on?  Who are we waiting on?  What do we tell our grandchildren when they ask us why didn’t make the world better for them?  Are we so blind or preoccupied that we don’t see the problems of today or do we choose to turn a blind eye to them?  Why shelter your children from the problems of the world when you can actively begin to fix it for them?  Are they not worth it?  Are we in a state of denial of the conflict and imbalance that there is in the world?   

Many see it but feel it can’t be changed or that it is too difficult or not worth the sacrifices of their comforts.  I couldn’t imagine the world we would be in if it wasn’t for the previous dreamers who sacrificed their comforts and lives for ours.  The highest thing that we can do is to pay if forward for the future generations in hopes that the world will be a better place due to our efforts. Turning a blind eye to the fire does not stop it from burning; eventually it will affect your home or your families. 

Our ancestors saw things that needed changing and did something about it and we are living in the shade of their hard work in the sun.  Is the work done?  Have we won?  Does the world reflect the fairness that many before us fought so hard to achieve? You have to answer that question, but my opinion is obviously not.  Just taking a look at your nightly news would show you how much more work is needed to make this world the place it can be.  We haven’t even scratched the surface of our potential.

So I am a dreamer.  And I am calling all dreamers within the sound of my voice to unite for a common cause.  Us, our families, our children, our future generations and our planet. 

I know it takes more than a dream.  It takes a plan and I have a plan and with your help we can improve it and begin to put it into action.  I can’t do it by myself, I know this. I’ve gotten this far on my own dime and with my own time, but now is when you have to make a decision to either participate or watch.    


So how do you take failure?  Public Failure.  Failure when you've invested so much time and effort in HELPING others find and free themselves?  This is what I've been dealing with recently and had to recently shake off.  The emotions have been varied and I've learned to not judge them (or myself) and let the emotions run their course naturally.

I felt angry, sad, depressed and I wept repeatedly. After that emotional tsunami passed (and it was a biggie); I regrouped (which is what I'm doing now). While those emotions didn't necessarily feel "good" in the moment I saw the deeper side.  This actually meant something to me. I cared DEEPLY about this working.  IT mirrored to me my passion and desire to see peace manifest; I really want it and know it's possible. I can see it. At the end of the day I just found out what didn't work and learned as much as I could from it. 

I didn't have expectations so that helped but I didn't think it (the campaign) would be such a dud. 2 Backers, and I knew them ;) There are a lot of things that interest people in this world and knowledge of self seems to not be that important.  But why?  What is more fundamental than YOU?  Who are you projecting your power to and is it serving you or them?

This to me is fundamental knowledge that should be common sense.  IF it was, the world changes, because the people understand that there is no "THEM" only "WE".  Competition becomes cooperation and we begin to see what we can create together.

Humans tend to be creatures of habit and reluctant to change from my experience.  We do the same thing over and over and expect different results (definition of insanity?).  We THINK we stay safe in our boxes because going outside is uncomfortable and scary. Or we let other people tell us what box we should be in because we feel they know better than we do.  WHO knows better than you what makes you happy and fulfilled? 

This is funny to me because change is the only constant. NOTHING STAYS STILL (except some human thought it seems).  How can you not accept change when NOTHING stays the same?  I understand not knowing and the fear of the unknown, we humans like to know what's around the corner or THINK we know what's around the corner but anybody that tells you they know DOESN'T KNOW. 

If my life is to be an example, then I have to show the wide range of situations we experience and I have to practice what I preach.  I have to be courageous and stand strong even when there are so many people waiting to see me fall or fail.  Failure is not an option.  Failure is the world continuing on it's course and since history will repeat itself (as most patterns can and do unchecked) we can't just sit back idle and say this is how it is or this is how it's meant to be.

IF this (current state of the world) is how the system is; AND we (you and I) make up the system; THEN what is stopping us from changing it? WE are the system.  WE are the Matrix.  WE can change it.  WE will change it.




The documentary “The Vik Bang Theory” follows the real life journey of Vikter Bang.  After a life changing spiritual experience, he is coming to terms with his awareness and wants to help spread the truth of an higher intelligence and the existence of an awakened state. His story is one of a truth  seeker who was given the light and is committed to sharing it for the good of the world.

The Vik Bang Theory is unique in its message and approach.  It is shot in real-time with over 30 years of first person real life footage.  It is currently being edited now to tell the first Chapter. What happens in the Sequel is unknown. It’s an exciting project due it’s message of hope and truth.  We are committed to openness and sharing and authenticity and do not alter any events.

The goal is to spread the good news of the existence of a higher intelligence within us all and our connection to it. What you call this intelligence is irrelevant and it exists whether you believe in it or not.  This is not affiliated with any religion or group.  Not many have done the inner-work to have a outer experience but I’m  here to say that it is possible to know yourself and it is life changing and world changing.

This realization is key to a understanding of who we are at a fundamental level and creates a common thread that we can begin to build world peace on.  The story is still being written and it will document his journey with his newfound awareness and real interactions with others as he strives to get this positive message heard in the mainstream




Faith is trusting that the current of the unknown will take you in the right direction.  It takes courage to trust in your inner voice and what you know is right.  Faith is trusting that the intelligence that created EVERYTHING is able to work out your issue.  Faith is knowing it will happen and allowing it happen even if it may be in a way that you may not imagine or see coming.   If it can work out quantum physics, I would imagine it could solve your problems. Faith to me is being ready for the blessing and preparing for it as if it's already happened and not worrying about things out of your control.  Faith doesn’t rest and say I’ve asked and it’s coming, faith does what it can knowing that the gaps will be filled in by ALL THERE IS.

Have you actually tried faith?  This is not blind faith. This is knowing that I am supported and having direct experience of how it works. Some ways I understand, most I don't. At the end I've found that with love and courage the results were better in ways that I couldn't imagine. I've experienced that time and time again and I have documented it. I'm sharing in hopes that it will help you, but let it be known I am experimenting with this myself. Those experiments will be in the documentary and include real interactions with real people. 

I want world peace and believe that we can attain it with a new understanding of ourselves.  I know this is new and we love the comfort of the old, but the old is not working.  I want to upgrade us all to the level of co-creator that we should be at. That is my ultimate goal and it is global and a big undertaking, but I’m up for the challenge.  And our future and the future generations are worth it.

I wanted to find the truth.  Not an opinion (even mine) but the truth; and I wanted to experience it myself.   I wanted to do this because I felt that there was a better way to life in this world and the fighting and destruction we are doing is for outdated and old ideas that do not make sense.  I wanted to find the truth which led me to my awakening.  My quest for truth was entirely selfish.  I wanted to know how to best live my life and see if self-knowledge was even attainable. My path is unlike most people.  I enjoy seeing the light come on in YOU and watching dreams begin to be created.

Belief is key. Doubts will be there and eventually drop as you see the changes in your life manifest. If you align yourself with the truth, it will lead you to ALL THERE IS (ATI), GOD or whatever you want to name it.  Listen to Nature, your thoughts and observe and question EVERYTHING especially yourself.